Portrait, painting by Anuradha Mazumdar


Silver medal in Khula Aasmaan art competition for college students

Shortlisted Silver Medal


Art Number 23520
Artwork Title Portrait
Artist Name Anuradha Mazumdar
Medium Acrylic on Paper
Size 11.69 x 8.27 inches (29.6926 x 21.0058 cm)
Price Rs. 8,400 ($113.98)
Information when it comes to portraits, I'm always fond of making random faces, rather than celebrity or known faces. Random faces carry an urge of mystery with them. You can look at them hundreds of times and still not know who they are.

This painting by young artist Anuradha Mazumdar (23 years) received a Silver medal in Khula Aasmaan art competition for college students for April to June 2020.

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