
Art Number 28328
Artwork Title Shreenathji
Artist Name Kaavya Shah
Medium Acrylic & watercolour on Paper
Size 11.69 x 8.27 inches (29.6926 x 21.0058 cm)
Information Shreenathji, a beloved representation of Lord Krishna, is often depicted in a vibrant painting surrounded by devotees. In these paintings, Shreenathji is usually shown with a peacock feather adorning his hair, playing his flute, and standing in a graceful posture. His skin radiates a blue hue, symbolizing his divine nature. Surrounding him are lush landscapes, often featuring trees, flowers, and animals, creating a serene and enchanting atmosphere. The devotees in the painting are depicted in various postures of reverence and adoration, emphasizing the deep spiritual connection between Shreenathji and his followers. The painting evokes a sense of devotion, joy, and tranquility.