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Laxmi and Vishnu as Mare and Horse

Laxmi and Vishnu as Mare and Horse, Sculpture by Carmel BerksonAs Revanta, the son of the Sun, came riding on his beautiful horse on his way to seen Vishnu, "the goddess Lakshmi became very much astonished and steadily gazed at him."

When Vishnu asked her who was coming, Lakshmi did not reply. Vishnu became jealous and angry, saying : "While sitting before me, you are enchanted with the sight of a horse, then you be born as mare. When you will get a son in the world like me, you will no doubt come again to be my companion."

Though Lakshmi pleaded for a return to her former state, Vishnu did not respond. She meditated on Siva, who was pleased. He in turn transformed Vishnu into a horse. So the god and goddess copulated in the form of horse and mare, and from this union a beautiful horse, Kavira, was born, and Lakshmi was restored to her rightful place as the wife of the restored Vishnu.
