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Khula Aasmaan - Edition I (2016)
Children’s Art Exhibition - Edition I (2016)

City of my Dreams
Draw or paint how you want your village or town or city to be. Let your imagination soar. Look at your town from within or from above and sketch or paint the town of your dreams.

My India
Draw or paint the fascinating aspects of India. It could be one or many. It could be a place or people or festivals - whatever fascinates you about India.

My Journey into Outer Space
Take a ride into a spaceship and reach for the stars. Travel to distant galaxies. Draw or paint what you would see. Do not base your drawings or paintings on photographs of outer space. Use your imagination to visualise how the outer space, distant planets, stars and galaxies would look like.

My Favourite Things
Draw or paint what you like to do the most - play football, ride a bicycle, go to a movie, read a book, take a train ride to your grandparent’s place, have an ice-cream or whatever you like.

You are free to submit artwork on any theme of your choice other than the themes mentioned above.